Could Your Racing Thoughts Win at NASCAR? 6 Steps to Slow ‘em Down

‘I think therefore I am’ is the manifesto of the self-aware person. But sometimes our thoughts don’t stop and they are no longer productive. On the contrary, these thoughts repeat… Read More
The Physical Effects of Stress: How Your Fast-Paced Life Can Kill You

If you live a fast-paced life, there is a very fine line between positive stress and negative stress. Positive stress from working toward inspiring, achievable goals and entering into a state of ‘flow,’ can provide intense life enjoyment… Read More
An Introduction to Mindful Awareness for the Busy Professional
Mindful awareness isn’t a religion, a system of beliefs, or even a philosophy. It’s a system of techniques that can be used for various purposes, including stress reduction and elimination of worry and anxiety. Mindful awareness is also… Read More