The Physical Effects of Stress: How Your Fast-Paced Life Can Kill You

If you live a fast-paced life, there is a very fine line between positive stress and negative stress. Positive stress from working toward inspiring, achievable goals and entering into a state of ‘flow,’ can provide intense life enjoyment… Read More
An Introduction to Mindful Awareness for the Busy Professional
Mindful awareness isn’t a religion, a system of beliefs, or even a philosophy. It’s a system of techniques that can be used for various purposes, including stress reduction and elimination of worry and anxiety. Mindful awareness is also… Read More
Mindful Awareness and the Sense of Self
Our society is often characterized as a selfish, “me first” driven culture. There’s certainly evidence to support this claim. However, there are also paradoxically many pieces of data that are contradictory to such a supposition. In the First… Read More
The Tension of Opposites
No matter what we do, there’s no real way to avoid conflict in our lives. “Conflict” doesn’t have to mean a bloody emotional, weeping and screaming argument with someone, nor does it mean an unpleasant, confrontational interaction that’s… Read More